+44 (0)20 7353 2484 clerks@falcon-chambers.com

Mini Pupillage

Mini Pupillage

We will run three mini-pupillage programmes in 2025. They will take place on the following dates: 

  • 4 - 6 February
  • 13 - 15 May
  • 16 - 18 September

Applications for the February and May sessions next year will open on Friday the 26th of September 2024 and close on Friday the 8th of November 2024.

You can apply via the electonic form or download the form in Word format and send it to MiniPupillage@falcon-chambers.com. 

Applications for the September programme will open in Spring 2025.


We give preference to candidates who have completed their first year of university. We invite applications from both law and non-law students, although non-law students may find that they get more out of the mini-pupillage scheme after they have begun the GDL course. 

Our usual mini-pupillage programme

Our mini-pupillages are not assessed, and there is no requirement that you come to Chambers on a mini-pupillage before you apply for a pupillage. We do, however, encourage interested students to visit us for a few days to experience life at Falcon Chambers. We find that those who do so invariably apply to us for pupillage.

Our mini-pupillage programme aims to enable you to learn as much as possible about both Falcon Chambers and life at the Bar generally. The programme lasts for three days (usually Tuesday to Thursday), during which time we try to ensure that you will spend some time in court, sit in on a conference with clients and also sample some paperwork.

In our experience, mini-pupils find it more congenial to attend chambers in small groups, and we, therefore, try to arrange a number of sessions each year for 4 or 5 candidates each.

On arrival, you will be given an introductory talk and assigned to your mini-pupil supervisor who will ensure that you see a variety of work. Each afternoon, there will be a talk from one or more members of chambers and clerks on different aspects of life at the bar and in chambers (e.g. applying for pupillage, life at the bar and the running of chambers). We aim to give you the opportunity to meet as many members of chambers as possible during the course of your visit, and there will usually be an informal gathering with some of our barristers and clerks on the last day. 

Mini-pupillages give future barristers a taste of the Bar and an idea of how chambers operate. In Falcon Chambers, we try to make things interesting without being demanding. A typical mini-pupillage will involve a visit to chambers, to experience the type of work done, and will usually aim to include a trip to court, participation in a conference, a chance to see how a set of papers is tackled, a talk every evening about a different aspect of chambers and life at the Bar, and a degree of social interaction with members of chambers.

We provide successful applicants with a small amount of money to contribute to expenses. There are also various grant schemes run by the inns which successful applicants may wish to consider, they are as follows:

Lincolns Inn

Inner Temple

Middle Temple

Grays Inn

Comments from previous mini-pupils

"A very enjoyable and rewarding week amongst brilliant people. Cheers!" 

"Chambers is extremely accommodating and I found all members to be both friendly and helpful. It was exactly what I hoped it would be." 

"I had anticipated a well organised, informative and welcoming pupillage and I was not disappointed."

"The work is rich and varied, and it is real: you can usually see its subject matter, whether that be an office block in the City of London, a windfarm, a canal towpath, a mansion in Belgravia, or a miner’s cottage in the Rhondda".Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC, Joint Head of Falcon Chambers.