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EG’s In on the Act podcast: Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC discusses the legislative highlights of 2023

Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC joins Sarah Jackman on EG's podcast In on the Act to discuss the legislative developments that have had the biggest effect during 2023, many of which have been reviewed by members of Falcon Chambers in previous In on the Act EG podcasts.

Among other things, Guy addresses:

1)      the continuing huge impact of the Building Safety Act 2022, which has continued to spawn a stream of secondary legislation this year, and is beginning to lead to a number of cases.

2)      The proposals in the Renters (Reform) Bill and the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill.

3)      The implications for landlords of the recently enacted Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023, and the great significance of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard regulations.

Guy also shares his thoughts on continuing litigation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and its upcoming scrutiny by the Law Commission. 

You can listen to the podcast here.

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