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Telecoms Newsletter

In this Newsletter – our second since publication of our book, and one of a number which we will issue at regular intervals to examine developments in the life of the New Code, we consider the following subjects, which have exercised the industry and their advisers over the last few months, or which may assume even greater importance over the course of this New Year:

1. What measures are open to operators who simply wish to access land for the purposes of assessing its suitability as a site for apparatus.
2. European measures towards a recast Code.
3. Brexit: ramifications in the event of no deal.
4. Other legislative and rule changes.
5. 5G: what to expect, and how to prepare for it.
6. The Statement of Strategic Priorities.
7. The new guidance note.
8. New Code decisions.
9. Message from the Senior President of Tribunals.
10. Our programme of lectures and articles on the New Code.

If you would like to be added to the distribution list, please e-mail renee@falcon-chambers.com.

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