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Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024: The BSA 2022 Changes 10 June 2024

The Building Safety Act 2022 has reconstructed the law on fire safety and structural issues for higher blocks of residential flats. A group of Falcon Chambers barristers have studied the Act, analysed how it has been interpreted in courts and tribunals thus far, and have first-hand experience of BSA cases. In this series of articles Paul Letman, Catherine Taskis KC, Cecily Crampin, Camilla Chorfi, Julia Petrenko, Edward Blakeney, Daniel Black, Kavish Shah, Ashpen Rajah and Richard Miller set out key issues of which property law practitioners should be aware under the BSA 2022.


Top 3 cases May 2024 03 June 2024

In this series of articles, we aim to highlight 3 of the most interesting cases in our field decided in the past month. This month: misrepresentations and the 1954 Act; permission to appeal against an arbitrator’s award; and the ‘but-for’ causation test.


Easy as 1, 2, 3? Section 123 of the Building Safety Act and supporting Regulations create a power and a discretion to make remediation orders 28 May 2024

The Building Safety Act 2022 has reconstructed the law on fire safety and structural issues for higher blocks of residential flats. A group of Falcon Chambers barristers have studied the Act, analysed how it has been interpreted in courts and tribunals thus far, and have first-hand experience of BSA cases. In this series of articles Paul Letman, Catherine Taskis KC, Cecily Crampin, Camilla Chorfi, Julia Petrenko, Daniel Black, Kavish Shah, Ashpen Rajah and Richard Miller set out key issues of which property law practitioners should be aware under the BSA 2022.


Risk and Harm: Remediation Orders Through the Lens of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System 13 May 2024

The Building Safety Act 2022 has reconstructed the law on fire safety and structural issues for higher blocks of residential flats. A group of Falcon Chambers barristers have studied the Act, analysed how it has been interpreted in courts and tribunals thus far, and have first-hand experience of BSA cases. In this series of articles Paul Letman, Catherine Taskis KC, Cecily Crampin, Camilla Chorfi, Julia Petrenko, Edward Blakeney, Daniel Black, Kavish Shah, Ashpen Rajah and Richard Miller set out key issues of which property law practitioners should be aware under the BSA 2022.


Top 3 cases April 2024 02 May 2024

In this series of articles, we aim to highlight 3 of the most interesting cases in our field decided in the past month. This month, we’ve selected two Court of Appeal cases on partnership and conjoining multiple claims respectively, and a High Court case about the right to buy.

Download: Top 3 cases April 2024

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